Lord's Chosen Foreign Mission


The Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries was founded on 24th December 2002 by Pastor Lazarus Muoka with 3 fold visions and mandate to bring 10 billion souls into the kingdom of God. The foreign Missions was created with the aim to actualize these visions and Mandate all over the world.

Foreign Mission Building At The Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry In Lagos Nigeria.

Our Mandate

To Bring 10 Billion Souls Into The Kingdom Of God MARK 16:15 and he said unto them, go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature

Vision 1

Grassroot Revival all over the world (Mark 16:15)

Vision 2

Revival of the Apostolic Christians experiences among the body of Christ. (1 PETER 2:9-10)

Vision 3

Revival of heaven consciousness in the heart of believers all over the world.(Heaven at last) (Matt 6:33)

The Lord's Chosen Is Present In Over 100 Countries Of The World In Pursuit Of The 10 Billion Souls Mandate!


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Crusade Across The Globe

The Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry continues to be a significant force in the global evangelical landscape. Through its crusades, the ministry has managed to touch countless lives, spreading its message of salvation, healing, and hope to people around the world. its impact on the spiritual lives of many remains undeniable. The future of The Lord's Chosen will see continued expansion and influence as it pursues its mission of evangelism and revival on a global scale.

A Lord's Chosen Crusade In Lagos Nigeria

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5 Unique Characteristics Of The Lord's Chosen Church

At The Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, we have things that makes us unique and stand out as God's Chosen.

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Commonly Used Words, Key Terms and Expressions in The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries Key words and common expressions are purposely used by the Lords Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries to carry deep spiritual meanings that define the faith of the people and their encounters. These words and phrases not only reinforce their sense of identity within the ministry but also some of them serve as declarations of their beliefs in the miracles and power of God as witnessed throughout the Chosen Ministry. Below is a list of some commonly used words and terminologies in The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, along with their meanings. Commonly Used Terms: Chosen: The term is used for members who belong to the ministry of the Lord’s Chosen, believed to be a special people chosen by God to accomplish His purpose on earth. Instant Miracles/Instant Testimony Miracles that took place immediately after our Pastor’s prayers and the testimonies are taken at the spot. This normally happen during programs and thursdays service where our Pastors prays for sick to receive healing immediately and God confirming his words brings to birth many instant miracles God of Chosen A phrase denoting the omnipotent power of God in Chosen as of old. It emphasizes a personal relationship with God,a better expression to The God who performs miracles and answers prayers in Chosen. It is the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who has decided to prove himself in our time as the God of Chosen God of My Pastor The Chosen way of Recognizing the fact that God whom our G.O serves answers Prayers and you have faith in Him. Refers to God Almighty who confirms the prayer of his Servants. I am a Chosen A declaration of identity within the ministry, asserting that the speaker is a member of The Lord’s Chosen. This phrase is a powerful statement .It is a simplified form of self-identification, reinforcing the speaker’s belief in being set apart by God. I am a Chosen, Who are you? A rhetorical or spiritual declaration given by our Pastor to say in time of danger especially saying it thrice. It highlights the contrast between those who are part of the ministry and others. The Lords Chosen Refers to the entire body of believers who are part of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, emphasizing the collective identity as God’s people. Chosen Ones An expression of personal conviction and singularity in one’s role within the ministry, often implying a strong sense of dedication. . The Lords Chosen Testimonies Experiences on miraculous healing, God’s intervention, or life-changing, shared by the church members. Chosen is Blessed A statement reflecting the fact that those who are part of the ministry enjoy special blessings and favor from God. Heaven at Last A term used to express the ultimate goal for all believers in the ministry—reaching Heaven. It signifies the hope and assurance of eternal life with God.this is also the third vision of the ministry Chosen is Blessed A declaration that the people and the ministry of Lords Chosen are specially favored and blessed by God. You are Blessed A proclamation of divine favor often used as greetings to encourage others and remind them of their spiritual inheritance as a Chosen. Chosen Mopol Refers to members of the ministry who are spiritual Mopol, by nature of evangelism work they do in bringing souls to the ministry My Pastor said… Often taken as a directive, referring to words or instructions given by the pastor that are seen as divinely inspired. Power as of Old A slogan in our Logo showing the same level of miracles, healings, and supernatural acts seen in biblical times are happening in our time, affirming belief in God’s continued power. God of Chosen answers Prayers A strong affirmation of the belief that prayers made within the ministry are heard and answered by God. God of signs and wonders Refers to God’s miraculous acts, especially those seen within the ministry, demonstrating His presence through extraordinary events. Baba Ijesha A term of endearment or reverence to The God of our Pastor whose Headquarter Church is in Ijesha, Lagos God of Muoka Refers to the God worshipped by our General Overseer, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, emphasizing the unique relationship between the pastor and the divine. God of Miracles Refers to the belief in God’s power to perform miracles regularly, especially as witnessed in the ministry. Only God can do this An expression of awe and gratitude when witnessing or experiencing something extraordinary that is believed to be beyond human capability. This statement originates from the answer given during Chosen persecution in 2013 telling the world that testimonies in Chosen can only be done by God alone because they looks extraordinary Revival continues A declaration that the spiritual revival, evangelism by the ministry are ongoing and will not cease. Revival will not die in my hand Personal commitment to making sure the fire for spiritual revival and evangelism keeps burning to ensure that God’s work is continuous. I will hear your testimony A statement made by the Pastor of The Lord’s Chosen at the end of a service or programme to reassure the members that the prayers made are already answered and he awaits their testimonies . You are the next testifier A statement of faith encouraging individuals to expect their own miracles and be the next to share a testimony. I am a Chosen, I cannot be deceived A declaration of spiritual immunity against deception, affirming that the speaker’s faith protects them from falsehood. Chosen forever A pledge of lifelong dedication to the ministry and its mission, signifying a permanent commitment. From Chosen to Heaven A statement that reflects the belief that members of the ministry are on a path leading them directly to Heaven and not elsewhere. Chosen Crusade Large-scale evangelical outreach and events organized by the ministry, where members gather to worship, pray, and witness miracles. God of Chosen Na Baba A word of salutation to God-that He is the greatest, the utmost source of such power and miracles happening in the ministry. These terms and expressions are encapsulations of the faith, identity, and spiritual journey of the members of Lords Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries. They are not only statements of beliefs but also strong pointers to their special relationship with God, His miracles, and the hope of eternal life. In such shared expressions, the community strengthens its bond and keeps affirming its purpose in a divine direction.

Key words and common expressions are purposely used by the Lords Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries

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